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dinsdag 16 april 2013

4 collages on «religion» of all sorts

4 collages I made after conversations at the Grelha restaurant with Philippe D and Philippe G

1) L’unique «grande réussite du christianisme est la crucifixion de la femme ...

(the only «big» success in christianism is to crucify the femail)

2) La confession un peu FORCé du Serpent

(the confession of the snake by some means of  «mild» constraint)

3) Oh non, l’immortalité, encore un dieuke qui n’existe pas!

(oh no, immortality, a small god again that does not exist!)

4) Une croyance catholique profonde ou la sauce Wallonne: condamné A vivre sous la tutelle
du PS = PSC = MR  = Ecolo'

(The Wallonian Ways: a deep catholic faith or a life penalty under the tutelage of the socialist = catholic = liberal = green parties)

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